Teacher Only Days
This year, our school has been allocated Ministry-funded professional learning for teachers to support the introduction of the refreshed curriculum. As part of this initiative, the government has provided schools with two Teacher Only Days for focus on this learning.
School will be closed on:
Term 1 - Friday 7 March
Term 2 - Friday 30 May
Welcome to
Clearview Primary School
We are a decile 10 school, located south of Christchurch, in Rolleston. Clearview opened in 2010 with 170 children and 9 homebases (classes). We begin the 2024 school year with a roll of 731 students across 32 Homebases and are starting more new entrant classes as the year progresses. Clearview prides itself on being a cutting edge school, creating skilled thinkers and communicators stepping out with confidence.
As you navigate through our site it is our aim for you to get a sense of our school and what makes us the successful environment that we are. At Clearview we have a clear vision for our learners and that is to create a skilled thinker and communicator who steps out with confidence. Our Values drive how we treat people and learn at Clearview Primary:

Teaching and learning opportunities are deepened through the use of our six competencies of Collaboration, Create, Connect, Care, Climb and being Curious, which also supports our vision and drives the inclusive and innovative culture in our school.
If you are interested in enrolling your son or daughter please feel welcome to set up an appointment at the office we would be happy to take you for a tour of our school.
Learners currently enrolled at Clearview Primary0
New learners enrolled in 2025
School Uniform
Please take the time to read the guidelines which are set by our Board. Please note: black socks and black shoes.
Situations Vacant
PCG (Parent Community Group) Information
Clearview Primary Sports FB page
Term 1, 2025
Monday 10 Feb
Tuesday 11 Feb
Wednesday 12 Feb
Thursday 13 Feb
- Twilight Picnic - 5.00 - 7.00pm
Friday 14 Feb
- Fruju Friday
Entertainment App Orders
The Entertainment App, formerly The Entertainment Book 20% of each Membership purchased will be donated to the school - how good is that?!

Five to Nine Cafe
Come and say hello to our Cafe Manager / Barista Vanessa and grab yourself a drink as you drop off your children. Lovely cafe room to sit down and relax, or grab a drink on the run. Open from 8.00 – 10.00am.
Before and After School Care
Click here for updated information about before and after school care.
A Day At Clearview
At the start of 2015 we shared a video that Tony Stewart created to show the amazing things that happen at Clearview each day. To check it out, click on this link: http://youtu.be/j1HzyfHMwrU