Student Leadership Teams


Student Ambassadors
Front row - We are Alyvia, Bella, Georgia, Cayden and Adrin, and we are the Student Ambassadors for this year. We are part of the Year 8 Leadership team alongside the Climate and Culture Leaders and the Sports Leaders. As Student Ambassadors, we ensure that students will have an enjoyable and fun-filled year ahead. We help run activities during morning tea and lunch plays like games on the field, Jump Jam, art clubs, and many more! We will be attending Team Huis and around the school helping out. We are looking forward to being your Student Ambassadors for 2024.

Climate and Culture Leaders
Back row, from left -  Elsie, Kendall, Mila, Kingsley, and Elaijah.  As your leaders of Climate and Culture, we stand for PB4L which stands for positive behaviour for learning, whether it is inside the class or out during break times. We take part in the Anti-bullying organisation and we are strictly against bullying. Often you will spot us appearing at assemblies or catching us playing games with our younger students. We strive to make Clearview Primary an environment where our students feel safe, supported and motivated to learn. We feel very privileged to be your Climate and Culture leaders for 2024.

Sports Leaders
Back row, from middle - Lucy, Olivia, Lisa, Charlotte, and Elijah.  We are privileged to be serving Clearview Primary as sports leaders this year. We can’t wait to start getting into fun activities and helping all of Clearview feel involved in physical activity. We will be running events such as a netball festival, Jump Jam, rugby games, touch, and many many more sporting activities where our students can have a thrilling time and sometimes even dress up. We also provide support at our junior sporting events. Our goal is to help everyone, even if they're not as confident with sports, to step out of their comfort zone, try new things, and be active.

Student Leaders

This is a group of year 8 students who role model our Clearview Values of Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga and Ako. They are the voice of the tamariki in our kura, meeting regularly to discuss the ways we can improve our school and make it an inclusive and fun learning environment for all. They collaborate and share their brilliant ideas to organise and run school events and fundraisers as well as supporting with the planning of new projects or initiatives at school. To help grow their leadership skills, they attend leadership conferences such as National Young Leaders Day, World Vision and other opportunities that arise within our Kahui Ako. This allows them to spend time working with other young leaders around Christchurch. They also partake in the William Pike Challenge, a program designed to build young leaders through outdoor education activities, community service and passion projects.

Peer Mediators

These are a group of student leaders who have trained in peaceful conflict resolution skills.  During breaktimes, they can be seen in the playground helping groups of children solve disputes and problems.

Student Librarians

Library Monitors are trained to be responsible for the running of the library during Homebase visits (years 5-8). They undertake a wide variety of tasks including - issuing and returning books, shelving and ensuring shelves are tidy and organised. They also assist with searching on the library catalogue, locating books helping Mrs Hawes with any other extra library tasks.

Road Patrollers

Our Road Patrollers are Years 6-8 students who are trained by the Police to help other students cross the road safely before and after school.  The students will be on our crossing before and after school everyday rain, hail or shine along with an adult supervisor to make sure our children are safely crossing our busy road.

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