A to Z of Information
If your child is going to be absent we ask you to let the school know by 9.00am. You can leave a message on our 24 hour absence line ph 347-7025, via the Hero app or email absence@clearview.school.nz.
Please ensure you give us a reason for the absence – it is a Ministry of Education requirement that we keep a record of all students attendance and absences.
If we do not get a reported absence for a student, we will send a text to the first primary caregiver listed in Hero. We will no longer be ringing or emailing caregivers as we did previously. If we do not hear back from you we are obliged to mark your child as truant.
Please note, if your child has had vomiting or diarrhoea they are required to stay away from school for 48 hours following their last symptoms.
Before and After School Programmes
Busy Bumbles
Before and after school programme (onsite)
Ph 03 347 3031
Email manager@busybumbles.co.nz
Selwyn Kids
Before and after school programme (off site - have a pick up service)
Ph 03 347 9089
Email info@selwynkids.co.nz
Kea Kids
Before and after school programme (off site - have a pick up service)
Ph 022 511 8613
Email admin@keakids.net
Further details and registration forms are available here.
Please ensure your child does not arrive at school before 8.30am and leaves promptly after 3.00pm. Before and after these times there is no supervision for your children.
Biking to School
It is recommended by the NZ Police that children do not ride on the road unaccompanied before 10 years of age. Cyclists must take their bikes directly to the bike stands. They must not ride their bike around the grounds. The bike stands are out of bounds during the school day. It is compulsory to wear a helmet. We encourage students to wear safety vests if biking, walking, or scootering to and from school. Please see the school office if your child requires a vest. Scooters can be taken to Rolleston Police for name engraving, this is a free service.
BYOD (Bring your own Device)
As we are a BYOD school, Year 3-8 students can bring their device to school and have it available to assist their learning. Students who have chosen to BYOD have signed a responsible user agreement. If students abuse the privilege of having a device at school their parents will be contacted and they will have restricted use of devices in school.
Car Parking
The Clearview school carpark is parking for staff, shuttles (After School Care programmes) and disabled parking only. A bus stop and no parking lines are on the road, in front of the carpark. A ‘Kiss and Go’ area is on both sides of the road. They are designated for those parents not leaving their vehicle but simply dropping their children off and driving away immediately. They are for 2 minute parking only. Normal parking is available on both sides of the road in Broadlands Drive, opposite the ‘Kiss and Drop’ areas. Please do not perform U-turns outside the school, this is extremely dangerous. If you witness dangerous driving please report this behavior via this form : https://forms.police.govt.nz/forms/community-roadwatch.
Clearview is a cashless school, however, we do have EFTPOS and credit card facilities (Mastercard/Visa) for your convenience in the office and you are able to pay your school account by internet banking and credit card via the Hero app. There is a small fee for credit card payments made through Hero only. You can also set up a direct debit to pay on a weekly or fortnightly basis into the school account 12-3147-0367927-00.
Consultation and Communication
An open and positive relationship with parents is valued by the school staff. Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s progress at any time, especially if there is an area of concern. For classroom matters, your first contact should be with your child’s teacher. Discussion with senior staff or the Principal is also welcome. If you have any questions, please ask.
Cohort Entry
Our new entrants will start school via cohort entry, please see the table below for our entry dates, for more information please see our website or call Fiona Davidson. This is for new entrants only, not students transferring from another school. Click HERE for more information about COHORT entry.
Contacting the School
The school makes use of an answer phone to help manage high volume call periods. You can be assured messages are checked regularly and calls are returned promptly. Email is also used extensively by school staff. The addresses use a common format – the staff members first name, first initial of the last name e.g. angelas@clearview.school.nz. Parents are most welcome to use email to contact their child’s teacher. Email addresses can be found on the Staff page. Click on the blue envelope under the teacher's name.
Damage to School Property
Any damage caused by careless behaviour or deliberate vandalism will be repaired and the account forwarded to the parents. Accidental damage will be paid for by the school.
Donations and Non Donation Items
Donations are sought to support the delivery of the curriculum and any extra learning opportunities that are offered to our students. These items will be added to your account each term and they will be clearly identified.
Account statements will be sent home in week four and eight of each term, preferred payment is by direct credit into the school account 12-3147-0367927-00, online payments through your child's HERO profile or we do accept EFTPOS and credit card (Mastercard/Visa) in the office. There is a small fee for credit card payments made through Hero only. You can also set up a direct debit to pay on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Please note - we are a cashless school.
Please note that any donation can be claimed annually as a tax credit using the Inland Revenue Department form IR526. For any further information please contact the school office.
Emergency Information
It is most important that our students’ contact information is up to date so that contact can be made with parents/caregivers at any time, especially in an emergency. If your home or workplace phone numbers, cell phone numbers, email address, or postal address changes, please let the school office know by way of a phone call, email admin@clearview.school.nz or in written form as soon as possible.
Enrolments and Enrolment Scheme
New Entrants – when enrolling your five year old for the first time we require a copy of their birth certificate, proof of address and, if possible, an immunisation certificate obtained from your doctor. To make the transition to school easier, we encourage parents to bring their children to school for pre-school visits. Your child’s teacher will contact you to arrange a time for these two visits. More information can be obtained from the New Entrant Newsletter in the enrolment pack.
Other enrolments – our Principal and Associate Principals are happy to show prospective families around the school. Please contact our Office Manager, Fiona Davidson, to make an appointment on admin@clearview.school.nz.
If you live inside the home zone of Clearview Primary, your child has automatic right of entry. Proof of address must be provided.
Food and Nutrition
At Clearview Primary School we promote a healthy lifestyle to our community: students, staff, and families, as part of our commitment to a safe school environment. Educating students about nutrition and encouraging healthy eating patterns contributes to their personal success and well being, and to a healthier community for all of us.
Healthy food choices are important to establish in childhood to support the child’s immediate physical and mental growth and development and to set behaviours for the future. We encourage and educate our students to be responsible for their own health.
HERO - School Management System
HERO is a Ministry of Education approved system where all information for parents, teachers, and administration is stored in one central place. Parents can log into a secure portal and access things such as absences, student progress, attendance, community notices, accounts, and online payments. For more information please click on the link: http://clearview.webmatters.nz/2019/05/linced/
If your child is unwell it is really important NOT to send them to school to prevent the spread of infection. If your child has any contagious infections for example, chicken pox, hand, foot & mouth, school sores/impetigo, head lice, strep throat can you please let your child’s teacher or the school office know. We have students with high health needs and reduced immunity who need to know when these infections have been present at school. Please see the Infectious Diseases Chart supplied by the Ministry of Health in this enrolment pack for further information.
Please note, if your child has had vomiting or diarrhoea they are required to stay away from school for 48 hours following their last symptoms. Additionally, if your child has head lice once they have been treated they are welcome to return to school.
Should your child be injured or become unwell at school we have a wellness room to administer basic first aid. If necessary we will contact you, or if unable to, we will contact your nominated emergency caregiver. If the injury involves the child’s head or is serious, we will notify you.
The Internet is available in all classrooms under strict supervision by the teacher and in accordance with our school internet policy. Please refer to the Digital Technologies code of conduct for the terms of use.
Kindo is the fundraising shop used by our PCG for all fundraising activities and ordering online lunches. Please see our website for more information on how it works and for registering http://clearview.webmatters.nz/2019/05/fundraising-shop/
If your child is late to school please ensure they sign in via the iPad in the office where they will receive a ticket to take to their class teacher. If they do not sign in they will be recorded as absent on the roll.
Leaving the School Grounds
In the interest of safety, children are not permitted to leave the school grounds unless under teacher supervision, authority is given by a parent/caregiver, or the child is collected by a parent/caregiver. Please ensure you sign your child out on the iPad in the office.
Children are encouraged to take library books home on a regular basis. Please do not attempt to mend any damaged books at home. There are no penalties for overdue books so please encourage children to return long lost books once they are found.
Lost Property
There is a lost property collection space in the hall foyer which is displayed outside the office daily. Any unclaimed lost property remaining at the end of each term is donated to charity. Families are asked to name all clothing and to encourage the children to take responsibility for their own clothes.
Lunches are available to order (on-line only). Orders need to be placed online via Kindo.
- Wednesday - Sushi Factory
- Thursday - Subway
These are delivered to school and handed in the students' learning homebases.
If your child needs to be given medicine during the school day this can be administered by the office staff. All medication, including inhalers, is to be kept in the wellness room in the administration block and a Medicine Authority Form must be filled out. You can obtain one from the office or click HERE to print one. The medication and form needs to be dropped into the school office.
Mihi Whakatau
At the beginning of each school term we hold a Mihi Whakatau to welcome all new students and families to Clearview Primary. At the beginning of each term, parents will receive an email invitation.
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches
We acknowledge that mobile phones and smart watches can be useful tools for communication for some families therefore students can bring these to school should they need them. However, sending and receiving messages during learning time can be very distracting therefore students will be unable to use them between the school hours of 8.55am and 3.00pm. Any issues that arise during the school day, for example, illness need to be reported to a teacher first. If and when parent/s need to be contacted this will be done through the school office. Some smartwatches can be locked during certain times of the day and just used as a step counter and time piece. If this is possible, we encourage you to configure them to be locked between 8.55 and 3.00pm.
Music Itinerant Teachers
Itinerant music teachers are available to take private lessons at the school. Currently we have piano, singing, guitar, drum and ukulele tutors available. The lessons are a private arrangement between the parents and the tutor - see details listed below.
Piano and Singing
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Trisa Espiner
03 329 5335
027 465 3351
Guitar and Ukulele
Tuesday and Thursday
Katrina Robinson
03 322-5592
Monster Music
Our informative school newsletter is sent out fortnightly on a Thursday (even weeks). Please ensure we have your current email address. Alternatively, the newsletters can be accessed on our website here.
Office Hours
The Clearview Primary office is staffed from 8.30 am – 3.15 pm weekdays. The school has an answer phone, so if you are ringing outside of these hours or we are unavailable, please leave a message which will be promptly checked by staff during office hours.
Parent Involvement
Clearview Primary welcomes parent involvement in a variety of ways at the school. We encourage and value parents’ input with many school events that involve students, staff and parents. These occasions include sports days, open evenings, learning displays, field trips, fundraising and other activities throughout the year. We intend to organise parent information sessions, with topics that are of interest to you. We also ask for your support in such things as making sure children complete home learning and bring the necessary gear for swimming and sports.
Parents are welcome at the school at all times subject to COVID restrictions. If you wish to see a class teacher, please make an appointment outside class time. If you would like to assist in the programme, please make arrangements through the class teachers.
PCG - Parent Community Group
The PCG is made up of Clearview whānau and staff who organise fundraising events throughout the year, with all money raised going back to the school. It's also a great way to find out what’s happening at the school and meet other parents.
We hold meetings twice a term and always love seeing new faces, with fresh ideas. Keep an eye on their Facebook Page - Clearview Primary PCG for meeting dates and upcoming events.
You can contact us via our Facebook page or by emailing pcg@clearview.school.nz
Personal Belongings
Children are permitted to wear watches, one pair of stud earrings, and other jewellery for religious or cultural reasons. If you have religious or cultural considerations, please email the office – admin@clearview.school.nz. All other items of jewellery are not to be worn because of safety or danger of loss or theft. Electronic games or devices are not allowed at school unless requested by staff. The school accepts NO responsibility for personal items brought to school by the children. These items include toys and sports gear.
Scholastic Books
Books can be ordered through the school term. Pamphlets will be sent home. If you wish to purchase books you need to register and order through the Scholastic website here. Please note that the payment must be done online, we cannot accept payments at the school office.
School Grounds
There are to be no dogs, cycling, scootering or skateboarding on school grounds during the school day. This includes the car park area. Please walk your wheels. Clearview may have dogs on-site for special circumstances.
Clearview Primary is a Smokefree school. Smoking and vaping are not permitted in the school grounds or buildings at any time. This includes events, camps and outings associated with the school.
Children will be issued with a list of their stationery requirements on enrolment and at the beginning of each year. Stationery is available to purchase online only at www.schoolpacks.co.nz from www.qizzle.co.nz
Sun Smart
As a sun smart school we must ensure that if children do not bring a hat, then a “no hat then play in the shade” policy is enforced. Please ensure your child has their hat each day in terms one and four. Sunscreen is part of our stationery items so please ensure your child’s tube of sunscreen and hat are named.
Sunhats can be purchased from both NZ Uniforms. online and in store, and additionally we hold a small stock in the school office for purchase.
Each year groups are put into teams:
Uranga – Discover new knowledge. Come to light – the dawn of understanding
New Entrant. Team Leader is Mrs Janine Faulkner
Āria – Physical representation of an Atua. Spark of an idea
Years 1 and 2. Team Leader is Mrs Claire Baker
Matatea – To see clearly – with clarity
Years 3 and 4. Team Leader is Mr Dion Stechmann
Tāiri – Suspended horizon – a quest to achieve your goal
Years 5 and 6. Team Leader is Mrs Bec Hart
Tīramaroa – Light that hits the top of the mountain/summit
Years 7 and 8. Team Leader is Mr Brayden Johnson
Students are expected to wear full dress uniform. A note or email must be provided to the classroom teacher should this not be possible. Please refer to the website and additional flyer for specific details. Clearview school uniform is available to purchase through NZ Uniforms (See additional information in enrolment pack and on our website).
Secondhand uniform sales are held once a term by the PCG (keep an eye out on their Facebook page for dates) or you can purchase second hand items outside of the sales by contacting the PCG on their Facebook page or by emailing pcg@clearview.school.nz.
Please ensure all uniform items are named with the correct student's name so misplaced items can be returned to the correct student.
Zero Tolerance to Bullying
At Clearview Primary we pride ourselves on our safe learning environment. For this reason, we have no tolerance for bullying. If your child has been involved in bullying you will receive a phone call. If you suspect your child is a victim of bullying, please contact the school immediately. We are a KIVA school.