Situations Vacant
Click here for information about current job vacancies.

Update Information
Please remember that if you change your home, work or cell phone number, address or email please let the school office know so that we can update our database.

Student Absences 2022
Click HERE for ways to report your child being absent from school.

Teacher Only Days
Please note that school will be closed on Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 June for two teacher only days.

PCG Information
Click here to learn more about the PCG (Parent Community Group) – meeting dates, second-hand uniform sales, family photos and more.  This is being updated soon.

Family Portrait Fundraiser
Save the Dates – 2nd and 3rd of July with Green Melon Photography.

Second Hand Uniform Sale
Sun 1 May, 1.00pm – 3.00pm.  
Cash, Eftpos or internet banking available.

Clearview Primary Sports
Join up with the Clearview Primary Sports Facebook page for more information about sporting events/activities your child may be involved in.

Entertainment Guide Orders
2 for 1 offers, special rates and up to 50% off dining, takeaways, shopping, & activities throughout Christchurch, Canterbury, Timaru, Ashburton & the Nelson & Bays area.

Until the 15th April receive a bonus $10 or $20 Countdown or JB HiFi voucher with your purchase.

Valid for 12 months from activation and downloadable on up to 4 devices.
Orders can be placed at

Five to Nine Cafe
Come and say hello to our Cafe Manager / Barista Vanessa and grab yourself a drink as you drop off your children. Lovely cafe room to sit down and relax, or grab a drink on the run.  Open from 8.00 – 10.00am.

Before and After School Care
Click here for updated information about before and after school care.

A Day At Clearview
At the start of 2015 we shared a video that Tony Stewart created to show the amazing things that happen at Clearview each day.  To check it out, click on this link:

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