Effective from 1 January 2022

All students who live within the home zone described below shall be eligible to enrol at Clearview Primary.

Starting from the intersection of Springston-Rolleston Road, Lowes Road, and Tennyson Street;

  • North-West on the western side only of  Tennyson Street until Michelangelo Drive
  • South-West on Michelangelo Drive until Rembrandt Drive
  • North-West on Rembrandt Drive until Renoir Drive
  • South-West on Renoir Drive until Rosa Street
    • including the remainder of Renoir Drive to Rolleston Drive
    • including all cul-de-sac roads off Renoir Drive
  • South-East on Rosa Street until Lowes Road
  • South-West on Lowes Road until East Maddisons Road
    • including Tiny Hill Drive to ANZAC Lane
    • including Waterbridge Way
  • South-East on East Maddisons Road until Oak Tree Lane
    • including Makayla Lane
    • including the north east side only of East Maddisons Road between Oak Tree Lane and Ellington Mews
    • including Ellington Mews
  • North-East on Oak Tree Lane until Goulds Road
    • including Baxter Crescent and Salisbury Drive
  • South-West on Goulds Road until Dynes Road
    • including Goulds Road addresses down to number 1039, Kakapo Place, Kiddy Place, Hepburn Place, and Marliece Street addresses between Kiddy Place and Burrow Street
  • North-East on Dynes Road (north side only) until Springston-RoIleston Road / Lanner Drive intersection.
  • North-East on both sides of Lanner Drive to Eyas Drive
  • North on Eyas Drive to Branthwaite Drive
  • East on Branthwaite Drive to Falcon Road
  • North-West on Lincoln Rolleston Road Lowes Road / Levi Road
    • including addresses on the south side of Levi Road between Lowes Road and Weedons Road
  • South-West on the south side only of Lowes Road to Tennyson Street.

Addresses on both sides of boundary roads are considered in-zone unless specified otherwise.

Each year, applications for enrolment in the following year from in-zone students will be sought by a date that will be published by public notice in a medium appropriate to the area served by the school.  This will enable the board to assess the number of places that can be made available to students who live outside the home zone.

Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.

Click on the map for a closer view.

Additional Entitlement to Enrol

This provision has been approved under Section 75 1(a) of the Education and Training Act 2020.

For families of currently enrolled students whose addresses become out of zone as a result of the amendment to this Enrolment Scheme.

Section 75 of the Education and Training Act 2020 states that:
“the Secretary may authorise an enrolment scheme to permit a student to enrol at the school as if the student lived in the home zone of the school if, –

(a) in the case of an existing enrolment scheme whose home zone is amended, –

(i) the student lives outside the amended home zone; and
(ii) the student has a sibling who is enrolled at the school at the time that the amendment is implemented; and
(iii) the sibling, at the time that the amendment is implemented, lives inside the home zone as it was before the amendment; and
(iv) the student, at the time of enrolment, lives inside the home zone as it was before the amendment.

If applying for enrolment under this part of the Enrolment Scheme, the sibling’s name and evidence of a sibling relationship may be required by the school.

Section 75 of the Education and Training Act 2020 sets out the definition of a “sibling” for these purposes.

The school will maintain a list of students enrolled at the time of the implementation of the enrolment scheme change by the Board in order to enable determination of eligibility to enrol under this provision.

Note: That this is a very tightly defined definition.  It would not apply to:

  1. Children who move into the withdrawal area after the implementation of the enrolment scheme boundary amendment; or
  2. Children of families/whānau who move out of the old zone after the implementation of the enrolment scheme boundary amendment.

Out of Zone Enrolments

Applications for enrolments will be processed in the order of priority specified in the Education and Training Act 2020.

Before the application deadline associated with each pre-enrolment period, a Board must, by public notice in a medium appropriate to the area served by the school:

  • confirm the already advertised dates for the receipt of applications and for the holding of the ballot.
  • state the likely number of out of zone places that remain available.

If there are more applicants in any priority group than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by ballot conducted in accordance with instructions by the Secretary, under Schedule 20, Clause 3 (1) of the Education and Training Act 2020.  Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by public notice in a medium appropriate to the area served by the school.

The BoT are not taking any out of zone applications at the moment.

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