Identifying Learning Support Needs

Every student has the right to achieve success and make progress at school, regardless of their ability. At Clearview, we use a UDL model (Universal Design for Learning) so that students are able to use a range of supports and resources and teachers can use a range of strategies to support students learning.

The Ministry of Education's Learning Support Action Plan 2019–2025 sets out priority actions that help ensure children and young people get the right support, at the right time. Learning should be a positive experience for every young person, including those with learning support needs.

Students who may need learning support include:

  • neurodiverse learners and learners with disabilities, learning difficulties, communication or behaviour difficulties, and/or sensory or physical impairments
  • gifted learners
  • English language learners (ELL)
  • those who are not achieving, or at risk of not achieving
  • those at risk of disengaging.
Clearview Primary School
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